Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Mengenal Strategi “Kulak Ilmu” dari Kiai Asrori Ahmad Magelang

Mengenal Strategi “Kulak Ilmu” dari Kiai Asrori Ahmad Magelang
Oleh: Rijal Mumazziq Z

Ini adalah foto saat saya sowan ke maqbarah KH. Asrori Ahmad, PP Raudlatut Thullab Tempuran Magelang, akhir Agustus 2017, bersama putra bungsu beliau, Gus Cholil Mustamid Asrori. Saya sowan setelah semalam diajak KH. A. Achmad Labib Asrori, kakakya Gus Cholil, ngobrol ngalor ngidul di acara Jamaah Kopdariyah Magelang. Setelah itu, obrolan berlanjut di kediamannya bersama Bani Katimin, Mas Achmad Salaf, dan Wan Rasyid Arasy Id.
Kiai Asrori, yang lahir di Magelang pada 1923 ini tergolong penulis produktif, terutama karya-karya terjemahan. Kariernya sebagai penulis dan penerjemah dimulai tahun 1961. Agar tetap pada jalur keilmuannya, Kiai Asrori minta bimbingan dari para gurunya, KH. Ma'shum Lasem, KH. Baidlowi Lasem, dan KH. Bisri Mustofa Rembang. Para gurunya ini, kadang diminta mengkoreksi, kadang juga diminta memberi kata pengantar.
Guru yang paling mempengaruhi gaya tulisannya adalah KH. Bisri Mustofa Rembang. Jarak Lasem (tempatnya mondok saat itu) memudahkannya untuk silaturrahmi ke kediaman Kiai Bisri di Rembang yang hanya berjarak 12 KM. Prinsipnya "Sekali dayung tiga pulau terlampaui". Selain menjaga hubungan emosional, Kiai Asrori memiliki tujuan lain; pertama, bisa langsung memohon kitab-kitab yang ditulisnya untuk menjualkannya, yang hasil labanya bisa dipakai menopang hidupnya di pesantren; kedua, bisa menimba fatwa, pengalaman, dan informasi kemasyarakatan yang sedang berkembang; ketiga, tentu saja bisa kulakan ilmu bagaimana menjadi seorang penulis handal dan penerjemah yang baik. Strategi kulak ilmu demikian sangat menunjang keberhasilannya kelak.
Terbukti, karier kepenulisannya melesat, hingga saat meninggal dunia pada 1994, jumlah kitab-kitab terjemahannya mencapai ratusan, meliputi berbagai disipilin ilmu. Di antara karya-karya Kiai Asrori yang masyhur adalah Nur al-Duja fi Tarjamah Safinat al-Naja, Tashil al-Rafiq fi Tarjamati Sullam al-Taufiq, Tarjamah Riyadl al-Shalihin, Tarjamah Irsyad al-Ibad, Tarjamah Risalah al-Muawanah, serta puluhan karya lainnya. Karya beliau lintas keilmuah: fiqh, hadits, akhlak, tauhid, tasawuf, dan sebagainya. Di antara penerbit yang intens mengunggah karyanya ke publik: Thoha Putra, Menara Kudus, Raja Murah Pekalongan, Wisma Pustaka, Cahaya, Istiqomah, Mahkota, dan sebagainya.
Dalam proses penyusunan dan penerjemahan ke dalam bahasa Jawa itu, Kiai Asrori sungguh unik. Pengasuh PP Raudlatut Thullab Tempuran Magelang ini tak memiliki kamus seperti Munjid, Mu'jamul Wasith, dan al-Munawwir. Beliau lebih memilih mengkomparasikan (membandingkan) antara kitab satu dengan kitab lain yang serupa. Jika kurang mantap, ia kadang mendiskusikannya dengan para Khaththath (penulis kaligrafi kitab) yang telah hafal dengan gaya penulisan Kiai Asrori.
Tak hanya itu, Kiai Bisri Musthofa kemudian tertarik menjodohkan Kiai Asrori dengan adik iparnya. Maka jadilah nama terakhir ini menikah dengan Ny. Hj. Ma’munatun binti KH. Cholil Harun, Kasingan, Rembang.
Selain hubungan erat dengan Kiai Bisri Musthofa, Kiai Asrori memiliki cerita menarik dengan Kiai Bisri lainnya, yaitu KH. Bisri Syansuri. Yaitu, saat silaturrahmi ke kediaman Kiai Bisri di Denanyar, Kiai Asrori dianugerahi ijazah doa. Menurut Kiai Bisri, ijazah doa tersebut diperoleh dari KH. A Wahab Hasbullah. Setelah diberi ijazah, timbul keinginan Kiai Asrori untuk menyebarluaskan doa tersebut. Kiai Bisri tak keberatan. Maka, manfaat doa tersebut diperjelas oleh Kiai Asrori dengan mengambil keterangan dari kitab Nuzhatul Majalis (berbentuk satu halaman plano yang diterbitkan "Menara Kudus").
Jejak kepenulisan Kiai Asrori kemudian dilanjutkan oleh putra-putranya: KH. Said Asrori, Pengasuh PP. Raudlatut Thullab; Pak Kiai Ma’ruf Asrori, direktur Khalista Surabaya; dan Kiai Labib Asrori, yang kesemuanya memiliki banyak karya buku.
Wallahu A’lam Bisshawab
Cc: Lina Juhaidah Ahmad Musthofa Haroen Wajih Haroen Emha Nabil Haroen Emha Nabil Haroen Full Faiz El Muttaqin Akil Scooteran Lubaid Sa'id


Jadwal RTP 2017


Detail Kegiatan
PSP Road to Pesantren East Java
Sowan ke Pesantren Jawa Timur
Menangkal Radikalisme Beragama Melalui Silaturrahmi
Sebagai sarana menyebarkan makna Islam yang penuh dengan kasih sayang, saling menghargai dan menghormati. Dan menebarkan pesan Islam yang ramah bukan Islam yang marah.   
Ahsani Fatchur Rahman (PP Al Ishlahiyah, Singosari Malang)
Ahmad Bahrul Ulum (PP Salafiyah, Sladi Pasuruan)
M. Halwani (PP Hidayatul Mubtadiin Kebonagung Singosari Malang)
M. Afthon (PP. Besuk Pasuruan)
Ilham Muhtadi (PP Al Ishlahiyah, Singosari Malang)
Waktu Pelaksanaan
26 – 28 Desember 2017
Dengan tujuan 20 Pesantren
Tempat Kegiatan
Jombang, Kediri, Malang
Jumlah Peserta
300 putra-putri dari perwakilan 120 Pesantren Se-Malang Raya (Kab. Malang, Kota Malang, dan Kota Batu)
Fasilitas Peserta
Makan selama kegiatan, Transportasi dan Akomodasi, Dokumentasi,
Drees Code Peserta
Laki-Laki : baju putih, peci hitam, dan bawah bebas
Perempuan: baju putih dan kerudung putih, dan bawah bebas
Susunan Acara
-       Sowan Pesantren
-       Memberikan beberapa pandangan tentang tujuan PSP
-       Wawancara sesuai dengan TOR dan SOP yang sudah terlampir
Kontribusi Peserta
(transport ditanggung oleh masing-masing peserta)
Informasi Panitia
08980010009 / 0857-5504-4005 (Ahsani)
0856-4634-6400 (Ilham Muhtadi)
Website & Instagram
@pusatstudipesantren / @psp_nusantara / @suarapesantrenjatim


Ketua Panitia

Ilham Muhtadi

Ahsani Fatchur Rahman

Road To Pesantren 2017

Road To Pesantren 2017

Pusat Studi Pesantren Jawa Timur

Road To Pesantren 2017
Pusat Studi Pesantren Jawa Timur

This event took place from December 26 to 28, 2017 which was held in 4 different areas, namely; Malang Regency, Kediri City, Kediri Regency, and Jombang Regency. We are 5 Members / students from East Java Pesantren Studies Center. Some notes from the results of our trip traveling from pesantren to pesantren will be presented in the order of time we visit it. 20 Pesantren in 3 days, which is very amazing for us.

Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda, Bumiaji - Batu - Malang.
Interview: Kiai Muhammad Mulyono & Gus Ahmad Nuril Musthofa

The first visit of the Pesantren Study Center team, which was greatly welcomed by the host of Miftahul Huda boarding school, appears to be some of Kiai Muhammad Mulyono's views on the concept of simplicity in pesantren and what we should do. He is more often to convey about the morality of a nation and maintain personal morals to be directly applied to their respective lives.

He spontaneously declared "Radicalism is done by people who do not have Ahlaq (Moral) and people who do not finish learning about the religion of Islam, they often present with terror in the name of religion, religious violence, cheating in the name of religion that clearly does not exist the proposition for that in the Qur'an and Hadith.In Stone Town there used to be a terrorist who blew up his house when he was caught by a police officer named Ashari, I as a resident here is very embarrassed and strongly opposed to any terror and violence in the name of religion. "

On one side of the city of Batu was also born Human Rights Activist (Munir's human rights) who aborted his services and his name at the museum 'Omah Munir' located on Jalan Bukit Berbunga - Sidomulyo - Batu. The museum that was founded after Munir was killed in a murder case that injured on behalf of the people of Batu and Malang Raya. "From the city of Batu we can see the colors of various societies, from the far right to the far left is here, we as a young generation continue to be in the middle and escort peace as the spirit of Nahdlatul Ulama" said Gus Musthofa.

Pondok Pesantren Fathul Ulum, Kwagean - Kediri
Interview: K.H. Abdul Hannan & Gus H. Maghfur 

Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin, is a message from K.H. Abdul Hannan to always be planted in the hearts of each student. "I'm not happy if my teacher is in the wrong place to do it, so we need to go back to the community, learn what's going on, if you can not go back to school again, learn how to get it" (I do not mind if a student is misused in the name of religion, the santri must return to the community, teach what he / she can, if not yet able to teach / serve the community again back to the cottage and learn again until it can)

"Islam is strict in its teachings, yes it is hard, the meaning is hard to apply to oneself. It means hard to resist lust, hard to leave worship, tough to fight folly by learning to complete, hard to fight poverty, hard to lazy to do good, hard to think , and it is hard to get closer to God and to behave in humankind. " He added again with a soft tone but quite thrilling us.

Gus Maghfur explained more about the profile of the Kwagean pesantren which is often referred to as pesantren jaduk and shaman. But the priority is to run and serve, the other side of the Pesantren also has loyalty to the citizens around pesantren and the incredible proximity.

PP Roudhotul Ulum, Kencong - Kediri
Interview: Gus Atta Saiful Millah

The visit in this pesantren gives a lot more attention to the younger generation, which is why we visit the average of Kiai sons who have a strategic role within the boarding school in general and in the life-style of students directly. The sons of Kiai will then be faster to convey to his family, santrinya, massanya, and on social media.

Gus Atta is what we encountered during a visit to Pesantren Kencong in the village of Kepung Kediri. The pattern of this pesantren is the tarekat, with the congregation of about 25,000 members bound in the Qodiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah Order. He accepted some of our discourses about Islam and Muslims about radicalism and religious violence. In fact, in the teachings of the tarekat is a religion of love and protecting human beings besides their beliefs.

The Center for the Study of Pesantren and Pondok Pesantren Roudhotul Ulum agreed to guard peace, cooperation in literacy preaching, complementary information, and keep the silaturrahmi. "Hopefully the good way we all can still istiqomah and this new step is the first time we get an explanation about the meaning of religious radicalization" said Gus Atta.

Pondok Pesantren Al Mahrusiyah, PP Lirboyo Kota Kediri
Interview: Gus H. Ahmad Izzul Maula bin Imam Mahrus

Pesantren Lirboyo has about 24,000 santri who live, and 3,000 santri who live in the village around. Lirboyo pesantren is very famous in the archipelago with the age of more than one hundred years. What characterizes this pesantren kahs is traditional salaf-education and the independence of santri to work (entrepreneur). K.H. Said Agil Siradj and K.H. Musthofa Bisri is a few examples of Lirboyo pesantren alumni who today became the big figures in the country.

We never suspected before that Lirboyo Pesantren had gone so far against radicalism and religious violence, but we got new insight into Lirboyo's long history from the colonial era, the new order and today. One of the greatest figures at that time was Mbah Maksum who went straight to the conflicts in the field and proved to be able to complete the religious lectures in several cities in Java, when he was always accompanied by Gus Dur (KH Abdurrahman Wahid) to always accompany the people to give priority to harmony, other religions, respect minorities, and moderate or tasammuh-tawassuth.

Gus Izzul as the successor to the 6th generation Lirboyo with a long and wide explains the process of the development of Pesantren Lirboyo, whatever the role of Lirboyo outside pesantren, who are the figures Lirboyo, some Lirboyo development in this decade ahir, the concept of education and curriculum Lirboyo, things around Lirboyo internally.

Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadiin Ceria, PP Lirboyo Kota Kediri
Interview: Gus H. Ahmad Kafabih Mahrus

Lirboyo, is the name of a village used by KH Abdul Karim to be the name of Pondok Pesantren. Located west of the Brantas River, in the valley of Mount Willis, Kediri. The beginning of standing Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo closely related to the settlement of KH Abdul Karim to the village of Lirboyo in 1910 AD.

Pesantren Lirboyo very broad, of course we are twice to share, dig information and silaturrahmi at this Pesantren. One of the most famous is Cak Mad, a close call from Gus H. Ahmad Kafabih Mahrus. Famous as the icon of santri archipelago as well as a programmable that has 29,900 active follower on instagram. Surely this is a reflection as well as an example of how santri act and make decisions in the millenial era. Furthermore can be listened to

In addition to the popularity of popularity to facilitate the spread of our ideas, also more than that is the existence of a network of pesantren with boarding schools and boarding schools with Center for East Java Pesantren Studies. This network that we hope will at any time be more beneficial to mankind in the future.
The concept of Cak Mad is quite simple to apply, that is by understanding ourselves to understand the environment and others, so that whatever happens is not directly thought of ourselves, but there are some role models we need to taqlid (anut), of course, what we profess is Kiai -why we are clear alimnya and sanad (genealogy) of his scholarship.

Pondok Pesantren Al Amin, Ngasinan - Kediri
Interview: Gus Farid Iskandar Muda bin Anwar Iskandar

Free Pesantren, is the hallmark of this Pesantren. About 900 students who are educated in this pesantren. The founder is K.H. M. Anwar Iskandar, brother of K.H. Nur Muhammad Iskandar, S.Q., Nanny of Pondok Pesantren As Shidiqiyah Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta. Pesantren Tarbiyah wat Ta'lim (educational and teaching) is located near campus and formal school. Ponpes Al Amin was founded by K.H. Muhammad Anwar Iskandar on Ngasinan road no. 2 Kediri City in 1995. He founded this pesantren based on the desire to provide a healthy place (religious atmosphere) and have akhlaqul karimah to the students so that they avoid bad association. More information is available at

In general, Gus Farid is almost the same as other pesantren opinions, but there are different things when we are faced with the reality directly before us in the event of radicalism and terrorism, "then what should we do? Is it against the action just as hard? Or even run away? " He even asked us.

"One of the things I've experienced is that the majority (we) must unite to weaken the minority, they're a little, so we do not have to fear their threats, we unite our food strongly, they will surely lose. has a history of the past that we can read and apply to today "continued Gus Farid.

Pondok Pesantren Dalem Ning Eva, Ploso - Mojo - Kediri
Interview: Gus Fahmi Djazuli

On January 1, 1925, KH. A. Djazuli Usman established a madrasah and boarding school. He used the mosque's porch for teaching and learning activities of the santri. Without feeling santri learn with KH. A.Djazuli swelled to 100 people. The community around boarding school Al-Falah Ploso initially belonged to abangan society (far from religion). When the early stood, many of his people ridiculed Al-Falah boarding school. Moreover, officials and bookies of gambling, whose quaternary setatus began to be disturbed. They often spread misguided issues against this pesantren cottage.

Our visit with five members was greatly entertained, Gus Fahmi was one of the most important members of the Pesantren Ploso structure. He told of the figure of Gus Miek who developed the wirid tradition outside the established congregational groups among the NU. Jama'ah Mujahadah Lailiyah which he built developed into Dzikrul Ghafilin. In 1971-1973 the arrangement of wirid-wirid Dzikrul Ghafilin was attempted to be printed, especially after the reach of the preaching of Gus Miek had reached Jember with KH Achmad Shidiq who initially strongly opposed, but eventually became his best friend, in Klaten under the umbrella of KH Rahmat Zuber, in Yogyakarta at under the umbrella of KH Daldiri Lempuyangan, and in Central Java under the umbrella of KH Hamid Kajoran Magelang.

Gus Fahmi states that da'wah strategy should be built and strengthened first before we step on aspects to oppose the ideology of radicalism and so forth. From the phenomenon of propagation of our ancestors can apply it on this day, which although requires a different strategy.

Pondok Pesantren Al Falah 2, Ploso - Mojo - Kediri
Interview: Gus Ahmad Al Khafi

"Pesantren make an accommodative attitude to the local cultures and traditions. Through its teachings of Sufism, Pesantren considers that the practices of tradition and cultural expressions in society are not a problem, as long as it is based on the principle of Tawheed. It appears once again that pesantren see these issues from their substance aspect, not their formalistic format and mechanism. Therefore, pesantren strongly rejects the attitude and perspectives of puritan-radical groups who understand the accommodative view as a heresy and a polytheist. "Gus Khafi said at length to our question.

He added a new discourse at length which appears to the depth of his knowledge and he continues, "that Ahlussunnah Wal-Jama'ah is a religious belief that upholds the principles of moderation in the way of thinking, acting and behaving. He is al-Tawâsuth (moderate), al-Tawâzun (equilibrium) and al-Tasâmuh (tolerant). On this basis, pesantren can actually accept the development of rationality-based science from wherever they come, but also respect the conservative religious understanding as long as it benefits their progress and well-being. This is what in the tradition of Pesantren known as jargon: "al Muhafazhah 'ala al qadim al shalih wa al-akhdz bi al Jadid al Ashlah" (maintaining a good old tradition and adopting a new, better tradition). "

Pondok Pesantren Al Ishlahiyah, Mayan - Mojo - Kediri
Interview: Gus Hubaib Nadjzami

Mayan Pesantren has National Tarekat (Thoriqoh Wathoniyah) and Joined in Al Khidmah Council from K.H. Asrory AL Ishaqi Kedinding Surabaya. Gus Hubaib's discourse suggests; "Studying Islam faithfully" God's Word: That is. "Then kill the infidels wherever you find them" (QS, 9: 5). If this text is understood in textual terms. This verse calls upon the Muslims to kill every heathen he finds. This is a lot of misinterpretation, so many assume that Islam is spread through war or force and this changes the understanding of the wrong jihad so that there is free radicalism that results in blind acts of action in the midst of society.

"In fact, if the above verse understood contextually would contain the meaning:" then kill the infidels (in the battlefield) wherever you find ". This verse is revealed when the Prophet. will fight, this is a direct motivation from Allah SWT. The conclusion is Allah SWT. Allows us to kill unbelievers in our state of war. But indeed, Islam is a peaceful religion, a religion of mercy and lil alamien, with evidence of Prophet Muhammad. giving his love to broadcast Islam without compulsion, so quickly and easily Islam entered and spread throughout the world to this day, including in Indonesia's largest Muslim majority country in the world. "He continued late at the courtyard of the Mayan Pesantren which is quite spacious and has an ancient architect.

Pondok Pesantren Al Maliki - As Salam, Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum, Tambakberas Jombang
Interview: K.H. Fadhulloh Malik & Gus Tajuddin Malik 

Gus Amak, his nickname with another nickname 'Gus Million followers' and indeed an expert in social media and strategy in it. His opinion; If the notion of radicalism and terrorism cannot be overcome in Indonesia, then this nation will fall deeper into a multidimensional crisis. Development in the economy will be more difficult to implement and the suffering of the people will be more severe. This is because investors and foreign tourists will not come to Indonesia.

Indonesia is often referred to as a hotbed of terrorists will be a stigma that is difficult to be eliminated. All religious people who have clear minds will not accept if their religion is linked to terrorists, although terrorists themselves regard it as a form of worship to uphold the religious teachings it embraces. The problem now is how religious leaders foster religious people not to understand the religion that follow was used as a motivation to perform anarchist acts and act as a terrorist. When it is associated with social media, social media propaganda is a massive social media activity (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path) that is encouraged to influence a person's faith to follow a particular doctrine (radicalism). Indoctrination openly like this is bombarding the integrity of this nation. The age range of 15-25 years is a vulnerable point of thinking that is easily influenced and is tossed to show self-existence.

Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ma’arif, Denanyar Jombang
Interview: Gus Zidni & Gus Najwa Fikri

One of the founders of NU (Nahdlatul Ulama) is the founder of this pesantren. He is named K.H. Bisri Syamsuri, well-known for expertise in fiqh and science. He is a very firm figure of decision and dare to challenge anyone if there is an error. The Denanyar Pesantren has about 6,500 santri students who are divided into several levels and dormitory in the pesantren environment.

Gus Zidni, is one of the dzuriyah (descendants) of the large family of Denanyar Pesantren who are always involved in the affairs of the boarding school. So he had enough to master some important issues related to religion, the functioning of pesantren in society, the contribution of pesantren to peace and harmony among religious people, and the recent problem that is social media war.

"It's time for pesantren to not compete or bring mutual interest to each institution, but it's time to work together and synergize with one another, so pesantren is getting stronger and not inferior to groups outside pesantren (extremists, jihadists, and terrorists) today also have pesantren to spread their teachings "said Gus Zidni firmly.

Pondok Pesantren Darul Muttaqin,
Sambong Dukuh - Jombang
Interview: K.H. Khozin dan & Gus H. Ibnu Sina

Muassis (Founder) PP Al Mimbar is KH. Pulpit. He was born in Jombang in the early 18th century, precisely in 1814 AD in Sambong Village. Son of KH. Hasan Rifa'i was born and raised with religious knowledge and companionship. More likely in the Qur'an and some books of fiqh or nahwu shorof.One of the teachers and friends of Gus Dur is Gus Muiz, he is a very intelligent figure and has a strong influence in society, but Gus Muiz died at a young age, he born of the Al Mimbar pesantren family who was once famous for this pesantren.

Kiai Khozin reminds: One thing that radical Muslim understands is that the meaning of the mission is to invite, not force. They understand the meaning of da'wah that other groups are obliged and must follow their path of thought. Da'wah comes from the word "dâ'a" which means to invite. It is also arranged in Q.S. An Nahl verse 125, that is by means of wisdom (good word, clear, firm, and true), mau'idhah al hasanah (good lesson) and mujadalah bi al lati hiya ahsan (argue in good way). In the next sentence it is explained that "Verily thy Lord is He Who knows best who is astray from His way, and He knows best the guided." This indicates the emphasis that preaching is indeed a good and true way, as well as the willingness of people to follow the path of Islam is only determined by the guidance of Allah SWT. Not later nicknamed 'lost'.

Pondok Pesantren An Nahdliyah, Komplek
Pesantren Al Mimbar, Sambong Dukuh - Jombang
Interview: Gus Rohim 

This pesantren was only established in 2002 but has succeeded in educating the special students of crime and violence. Although only has santri about 25 people but clearly the direction and purpose of this pesantren An Nahdliyah established. Therefore we choose this pesantren to explore some issues of violence, whether from the minor side like Domestic Violence or Majority, such as crime victim, victim of violence in the name of religion, victim of social-community crime, victim from brainwashing circle radicalism, and so forth.

Gus Rohim seems to have mastered the grassroots community and things that have not been revealed. As some of the methods of altering the militant personal mindset for jihad, about the complexity of the secret codes of terrorists, and the laity who have the spirit of jihad but lack sufficient scholarship about Islam.

His Message: To the government to be more emphasized in overseeing the freedom of thought and down directly into the religious activities of religious nuances. To the public, the younger generation, the Muslims should in studying the religion to the more expert such as kiai, ustadz, ulama, and others. Or to local Islamic foundations such as pesantren in general. To the government, at least play an active role and willing to provide a forum for the masyaratkat in giving direction of a nuanced Islamic mindset and the government is guided to oversee the spread of free ideals, especially in social media.

Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum, Tambakberas - Jombang
Wawancara: K.H. M. Wafiyul Ahdi, SH., M.Pd.I

Mbah Wahab (KH Abdul Wahab Hasbullah Said) is the 3rd generation of Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School which is also one of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama and songwriter Subbanul Wathon (youth of the country / country) who used to evict the invaders and then re-energize used late in 2008 to 2017 as homeland jihad unity and the love of homeland (Hubbul Wathon) as a challenge to push hard against other organizations who want the Islamic state (khilafah Islamiyah). About the profile of Mbah Wahab we have previously been promoted to the social media account of Center for East Java Pesantren Studies.

The views related to the slogan "Santri Love of Peace" expressed by Gus Wafi (familiar call from K.H.M. Wafiyul Ahdi), one of which is a youth slogan of strong opposition to religious violence and religious intolerance. The concept is in line with the vision and mission of the Pesantren Studies Center. He adds to the recipe of how to fight against them (minhum / racist radicalism); first, by looking at the roots of their leaders and meeting them directly. Second, by studying their average weaknesses from the false doctrine, we can communicate directly with decent, systematic, weighty, and in agreement with them. Because no matter how they are our big PR (Kiai and Pesantren) to run dakwah nahi munkar, not just amar ma'ruf alone which has been in the pesantren area. Third, information war and arguments through digital media and social media are increasingly being used as propaganda tools. Fourth, it strengthens each of our environments about the concept of Islam that kaffah (perfect).

Pondok Pesantren Al Ghozaliyah,
Sidowaras - Jogoroto - Jombang
Interview: Gus M. Abdul Qohir Al Jurjani

This Pesantren style is tarbiyah and tarekat, although the area of poverty but still survive strong and more Gus Qohir this is the leader of Pagar Nusa (one of the autonomous bodies under the NU that focus on martial arts techniques and martial arts archipelago) is of course very in demand in rural communities.

The spirit of da'wah in the countryside is not an easy matter, the economic condition of the community also influences the facilities of pesantren that are simple and seem ancient buildings that still can not be renovated, but the spirit and spirit of education never fade with the reason of limited funds and facilities. From this spirit of sincere education really grows in pesantren.

Related to the issue of violence and radicalism He did not answer much besides the rural community conditions that are always peaceful despite side by side with different colors, beyond that he was already busy with the agenda of field routines and solid devotion. So he conveyed humbly that the affairs of religious radicalism and intolerance were not really controlled by him, rather than misleading him to prefer silence or even turning to ask him to gain knowledge.

Pondok Pesantren Hubbur Rohman, Jogoroto - Jombang
Interview: Gus M. Abdul Qohir Al Jurjani

Pesantren Rehabilitation or Pesantren for crazy people, has about 3000 santri crazy from all regions in East Java. The year 2016 has been inaugurated by Persiden Joko Widodo and built a more decent building, which decades earlier than bamboo, is started from the nervousness of pesantren nurses about the fate of people mentally or crazy backwardness in the way of lack of attention from the government.

Sidowaras village means to be healthy (soul, not crazy) that has long been famous as a pesantren for crazy people. Then he was given a new name GCK (Griya Cinta Kasih) in accordance with his Arabic name. And this Pesantren is still in Al Ghozaliyah Pesantren Foundation. "All of us are doing it on the basis of love, it is free because it is a social responsibility, and we hope people in East Java who want to get rehabilitation related to their psychology can use the facilities in this building," he said. "Now the treatment room that used to have bamboo walls now turned walled and tiled floor,"

"The people here can work odd jobs and are beneficial to plantations, agriculture, environmental hygiene, rural arrangement, channel and road improvements, it is more noble to these rehabilitated people than those soul-threatening terrorists and other human tranquility, hahaha, "He laughed off when he saw the work atmosphere of the santri crazy and accompanied us interviews while looking at the conditions directly.

Pondok Pesantren Al Furqon, PP Darul Ulum,  Rejoso - Jombang
Interview: K.H. M. Mustain Dzul Azmi

The founder of Pesantren Njoso or Rejoso is K.H. Tamim and then K.H. Romli Tamim is famous for his thoriqonya worshipers. Pesantren Darul Ulum has 33 complexes scattered around Rejoso village. One of the most active pesantren both in social media and reality is Al Furqon's Dormitory, which is led by Kiai Azmi with the number of about 200-santri in direct care by him.

The purpose of education in pesantren is to create and develop the personality of the Muslims, that is the personality of the faithful and devoted to God, noble character, beneficial to society, able to independent, independent and firm in personality, religiously healthy, and love science to develop human personality. Religion can not be learned by self-taught there should be a more expert mentors in studying the Qur'an and sunna. Especially in studying plural verses in Islam. There are several principles in Islam in terms of the diversity of cultures around us. Terrorist acts that often arise in the midst of society lately that calling on the name of religion, especially Islam has proved that there are misunderstanding of people in responding to the legal content in the Koran. This is due to the way he studies his religion. Based on previous discussion that the Koran has denied acts of terrorism are not taught in Islam. but it is because of his arbitrary interpretation of the law of God. Islam gives freedom of religion there is no compulsion in embracing it.Pesantren contribute in understanding religion in a healthy manner in accordance with the teachings of the laws in the Qur'an and sunna. Pesantren aims to create a society of cautious and knowledgeable. And aim to keep radical ideals.

Pondok Pesantren Al Khodijah PP Darul Ulum,  Rejoso - Jombang
Interview: Gus Rusdan Tamim

Same with Pesantren Al Furqon, but different concept and point of view of Al Khodijah boarding which approach more than entrepreneur side and social management. One cluster in Darul Ulum Boarding School, Gus Dani very kindly accepted our presence at his cafe named Timbul Cafe. And he conveyed the idea in his coffee shop.

Dakwah Warung Kopi (Coffee Shop Preaching), social engineering needs to be done from the simplest. One simple but broad-impact path is spreading Islamism that is rahmatan lil 'alamin through informal forums such as coffee shops. Why dakwah coffee shop? It is common knowledge that Indonesians, especially youths, like to hang out for hours at a coffee shop where the most dominant conversations in it will not be far from politics, sports, and religion. So that the coffee shop becomes a very potential place to preach. Then why focus on youth? Because of the various cases proving that the spread of radical ideas makes the youth a target. This is because youth are human beings who need self-actualization, have excess energy, but not yet have emotional maturity so it is still easy to be swayed.

The concept of dakwah coffee shop proves that the dakwah does not have to be formal in the pulpit, using a robe, turban, or carry tasbih everywhere. But da'wah can also be done with T-shirts, jeans, or casual clothing but still other polite to better mingle with the younger generation and the general public. Informal forums such as coffee shops can be a relaxing moment to discuss about religion by making moderate thinking its platform. With a more casual, relaxed, and diffuse approach of dakwah, moderate ideas that are anti-radicalism will be more easily accepted and understood by the people especially the youth.

Pondok Pesantren Tarbiyatun Nasyi'in,
Paculgowang - Diwek - Jombang
Wawancara: Gus Ahmad Zaini Manshur

The name Paculgowang is the name of the village which is then attached to the name of the pesantren, just like any other pesantren. K.H. Aziz Manshur is a central figure of this salaf pesantren, he has a long history of devotion as a true human being, pesantren leader, political role model, and the role of other pesantren.

"There is no connection between pesantren and terrorists, nor is it called Islam if the person commits an act of terror, no pesantren teaches radicalism, violence, let alone suicide bombings for jihad in the name of religion If there is radicalism in the name of Islam, I make sure that the person is not Islam, the person is not a Muslim, because the meaning of Muslims themselves is safe and mutual save, not killing each other, "said Gus Zaini Manshur firmly.

"I want to meet radicals and people who want to die ridiculous, let me know if anything, just say this is my business" he added as a cover in his response to religious radicalism. The figure of Gus Zen (Ahmad Zaini Manshur) is a figure that is quite firm and clear to the principles of pesantren, but not separated with fresh jokes to always be thrown in every few conversations.

Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng, Diwek - Jombang
Wawancara: K.H. Fahmi Hadzik

Hadratus Shaykh K.H. Hasyim Asyari, is the main character of NU founder (Nahdlatul Ulama) and also the founder of Tebuireng pesantren. The great figures of this nation come from Pesantren Tebuireng, Jombang. so it is imperative for us to come directly to Tebuireng, Especially for Almaghfurlah K.H. Wahid Hasyim (former minister of religion, father of Gus Dur), K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid (4th President of the Republic of Indonesia). This pesantren has an important role in many ways.

Kiai Fahmi is very supportive of the peace campaign from the East Java Pesantren Study Center, more rarely the institution that provides and facilitates a truly focused and intensive network of pesantren related to national and international issues. In general he supports our movement and with the campaign of santri anti radicalism is an attempt to fortify the young seeds in the years to come, which may not be felt directly now, but can be felt for the future.

Related concepts and methods He relies more on the young students to make the movement, thought, time, and knowledge to support each other peaceful movement. Moreover, if this movement is taken together from across the boarding school, then there will be a positive massive movement and will provide a more civilized cultural touch to civil society.

Road to Pesantren 2017

Our gratitude and thanks goes to the Lord Almighty, thank you especially to our brother Gus Achmad Ubaidillah, S.Hum, who has guided us with patience and exemplary knowledge. To Mr. Gurdith Sigh and Brother Aurel we thank you for this opportunity. And to the staff of the Center for Islamic Studies in Jakarta and Bogor that we can not mention one by one. No less important to all the friends of the East Java Pesantren Studies Center is incredible.

Of the 20 pesantren that we visit, there is no chance to directly document interviews and meetings. Both in the form of photos and videos, because in some visits we encountered some of the documentation tools experiencing the limitations of battery power or storage memory due to limitations or lack of anticipation. There are only 2 pesantren that we can not really record properly. But the tape is very sticky and effective in our hearts.

All the pesantren are enthusiastic and support the vision and mission of the East Java Pesantren Study Center, no one rejects or understands our understanding. Both from Kiai, Putra Kyai, Ustadz, and santri they support even we get knowledge, knowledge, information, examples, and instructions from what we think before. We are very happy with the Tour to Pesantren at the end of 2017 which is very effective. Hopefully with this activity we will become more intelligent and useful for other people as well as for ourselves of course. Amin.